Monday, August 20, 2018

Home Sweet Kentucky

Paint pouring is such a fun way to create art for your home! It's fantastic when used on canvas, figurines or in this case.. thrift store finds. If you've never done paint pouring this is a perfect opportunity to try it out!



When I saw this "gem" at the thrift store, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it! Of course, I first had to bring it home and chisel the rhinestones off it (much to my daughter's dismay!)

For this project, I chose to do a dirty pour. I mixed each of the colors in a separate cup with an equal amount of the pouring medium (be sure to stir!). Allow up to 2 days for the paint to dry.

Next, paint in a heart in the general location of your city. Then letter "home" on with the tail of the "e" linking to the heart.

Last, using midnight blue and a fine pointed brush, add shading to the letters being careful to stay consistent (keep the shading on the same side of each letter).

Display proudly where all can see and let your friends ooh and ahh!

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